Code of Ethics and Conduct Policy

1. Organizational Commitment

Gymnastics Canada embraces our responsibility to create, foster, and preserve sport settings that ensure positive, healthy, and fulfilling experiences for all Individuals. We believe that a safe sport environment is free from all forms of abuse, Harassment, Prohibited Behaviour and Maltreatment (as those terms are defined in the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (“UCCMS”) as amended from time to time), and violence and prioritizes the welfare, safety, and rights of every Individual at all times. Without limitation to the foregoing, a safe sport environment supports equitable opportunity, prohibits discriminatory practices, and is committed to providing an environment in which all Individuals are treated with dignity, respect, and fairness. Further, we advocate for a sport culture in which Individuals feel supported in their physical, psychological, social, and emotional development and well-being. It is imperative that all Individuals are safe. As a primarily youth serving organization, Gymnastics Canada has a special responsibility to develop standards and mechanisms to help safeguard the children and youth in its programs and activities.

2. Policy Description

Facilitating a safe sport environment is the collective responsibility of all Individuals involved in the gymnastics community. The Gymnastics Canada Code of Ethics sets out the minimum expectations for acceptable behaviour for all Individuals within the scope of this Policy. Gymnastics Canada also anticipates and expects that the conduct of all members in the gymnastics community will positively exceed these minimum standards.
The Gymnastics Canada Codes of Conduct for Athletes, coaches, team personnel, judges, Gymnastic Canada’s Board of Directors, and Members have similarly been developed to both guide and define additional expectations for conduct by Individuals in those positions.

3. Scope of Policy

3.1 Application to Individuals and Members

Gymnastics Canada’s Code of Ethics and Conduct Policy applies to all Individuals and Members

3.2 Application

This Code of Ethics and Conduct Policy applies to the conduct of all Individuals or Members during the business, activities, and Events of Gymnastics Canada and its Members including, but not limited to, competitions, practices, evaluations, treatment or consultations (i.e., massage therapy), training camps, travel associated with organizational activities, the office environment, and any meetings or social Events.

This Code of Ethics and Conduct Policy also applies to the conduct of the above-mentioned individuals and members outside of the business, activities, and Events of Gymnastics Canada and its Members when such conduct adversely affects the organization’s relationships (and the work and sport environment) or is detrimental to the image and reputation of Gymnastics Canada or a Member. Such applicability will be determined by Gymnastics Canada or a Member, as applicable, at its sole discretion.

This Code of Ethics and Conduct Policy applies to the Individuals who are currently active in the sport of gymnastics or who have retired from the sport of gymnastics where any claim regarding a potential breach of this Policy occurred when the Individual was active in the sport.

In addition, breaches of this Code of Ethics and Conduct Policy may occur when Individuals interacted due to their mutual involvement in the sport of gymnastics or, if the breach occurred outside of the sport environment, if the breach has a serious and detrimental impact on the Individual(s) or the sport.

3.3 Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (“UCCMS”)

Gymnastics Canada has adopted the UCCMS which shall be incorporated into this Code of Ethics and Conduct Policy by reference as if set out in full herein. Any modifications or amendments made to the UCCMS by the relevant functions of Abuse-Free Sport shall come into effect immediately upon their adoption by the relevant functions of Abuse-Free Sport, without the need for any further action by Gymnastics Canada or any of its Members.

By agreeing to be bound by this Code of Ethics and Conduct Policy, all Individuals agree to be bound by and shall respect the UCCMS, as amended from time to time.

4. Code of Ethics

My commitment to the Gymnastics Canada community:

4.1. I will conduct myself in a manner that is of the highest moral, ethical, and professional standards, that embraces Gymnastics Canada’s vision, mission, and values, and that is athlete- centered.

  1. I will not engage in any behaviour that constitutes Prohibited Behaviour or Maltreatment.
  2. I will not engage in any behaviour that constitutes bullying or hazing.1
  3. I will support the rights of all Individuals, especially children and youth, and treat all Individuals with the highest standards of respect, dignity, and integrity.
  4. I will be accountable for my behaviour and actions at all times.
  5. I will act on the conviction that the current and future well-being of Athletes is more important than their success or my success in the sport.
  6. I will create a culture of trust and safety and ensure that all Individuals, especially children and youth, are provided active opportunities to use their voice, present ideas, opinions, and concerns, and are listened to and valued accordingly. I will respond promptly and appropriately to their concerns.
  7. I will be aware of and care for my own physical, psychological, emotional, and social well- being to ensure I engage in my roles and responsibilities with Gymnastics Canada to the best of my abilities.
  8. I will support and foster an inclusive sport environment for all Individuals regardless of race or perceived race, ancestry, citizenship, nationality or national origin, place of origin, ethnic or linguistic background or origin, colour, religion, political belief, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, social condition or disadvantage, physical or mental disability, genetic characteristics, body type, athletic level or ability, or any other prohibited ground of discrimination in accordance with applicable human rights legislation.
  9. I will disclose all actual, potential, or perceived conflicts of interest and consistently treat all Individuals and organizations professionally, fairly, courteously, honestly, impartially, and with their best interests in mind, regardless of self-interest, personal goals, outside pressure, expectation of reward, fear of criticism, or other influences of this nature.
  10. I will exercise transparency in decision-making, with all due regard to privacy and confidentiality as may be warranted.
  11. I will respect the property of others and not willfully cause damage thereto.
  12. I agree to adhere to the Canadian Anti-Doping Program and the anti-doping rules of any other anti-doping organization that has authority over me, and, without limitation, I will not use, direct, or imply use, possess, administer, distribute, or promote the use of any prohibited substance or prohibited method as indicated on the Prohibited List published by the World Anti-Doping Agency currently in force. I understand that despite its legalization in Canada, cannabis continues to be prohibited in-competition and that a positive test can still result in a sanction.
  13. I will not use, direct, or imply use, possess, or distribute medication that does not belong me.
  14. I will not distribute, and/or direct or imply others’ use of medication prescribed to me.
  15. If a Minor, I will refrain from consuming (vaping, smoking, eating, or ingesting by any other means) alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, or any illegal substance at all times.
  16. If an adult, I will refrain from consuming (vaping, smoking, eating, or ingesting by any other means) cannabis or any illegal substance at all times during Gymnastics Canada activities and Events. Alcohol may be consumed from time to time at Gymnastics Canada-related business, social, and recreational Events provided that consumption is professionally reasonable and kept to a minimum. Under no circumstances will I operate a motor vehicle if my abilities to do so are in any way impaired.
  17. I understand that I am prohibited from reporting to any Gymnastics Canada competitions, training camps, tryouts, programs, Events, and other activities if impaired in any manner whatsoever.
  18. I will review, understand, and hereby agree to comply with my Club’s, provincial/territorial association’s and Gymnastics Canada’s policies, rules, regulations, and best practice guidelines and fulfill all obligations to the National Team, if required.
  19. I will respect, practice, and advocate the principles of safe sport in all activities, trainings, and competitive Events related to Gymnastics Canada.
  20. I will follow the Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique (FIG) Code of Ethics at FIG Events and FIG sanctioned Events and honour my role as an ambassador of Gymnastics Canada.
  21. I will abide by all applicable federal, provincial, territorial, and municipal laws, and the laws of any foreign jurisdiction where I may be present on behalf of Gymnastics Canada, as well as all policies, rules, regulations, and standards of conduct established by any membership and/or licensing bodies to which I belong, and maintain good standing with these professional bodies at all times.

4.2. Without limitation the application of Section 4.1 above, as an employee, contractor, consultant, coach, coach developer, official, volunteer, or adult in a supervisory role, I will also recognize the privilege, power, authority, and trust inherent to my role within the Gymnastics Canada community. I will embrace my responsibility to facilitate a safe and positive environment and take all reasonable measures to ensure that all Individuals are safeguarded from harm.

  1. I will not engage in any behaviour that constitutes Prohibited Behaviour or Maltreatment.
  2. I will comply with Gymnastics Canada’s screening measures and take responsibility for developing, utilizing, and maintaining knowledge and competencies relevant to my role in the gymnastics community.
  3. I will establish and maintain clear, appropriate, and consistent boundaries with all Individuals, especially children and youth, that reflect Gymnastics Canada’s policies and best practice guidelines.
  4. I will not, under any circumstances, behave in a sexual manner, or engage in a sexual or intimate relationship with any Athlete or Minor coach, official, or volunteer for whom I am responsible through a club, member, or national team setting, or with any Minor whatsoever. This includes but is not limited to the use of sexual jokes, language, and/or names, the display of sexually explicit materials, sexual solicitations or advances, participation in sexual touching and/or exploitation, and the use of, reference to, distribution of obscene or pornographic images or language, or participation in any kind of sexual activity.
  5. I will refrain from engaging in exploitative, intimidating, discriminatory, abusive, neglectful, or corrupt conduct or relations of any kind, in-person or through the means of written communication, including but not limited to e-mail, text messaging, and social media, and will not use my power, authority, or trust to encourage or coerce others to engage in or view inappropriate, unethical, or illegal activities.
  6. I will treat all allegations or suspicions of misconduct seriously and immediately report any concern for the welfare of Individuals, especially children and youth, to Gymnastics Canada and, where known or suspected child abuse is involved, to the appropriate law enforcement authorities, children’s aid society or provincial/territorial social service ministries or departments.
  7. I will fully cooperate with any investigations conducted or directed by Gymnastics Canada, provincial and territorial member associations, local clubs, and/or any law enforcement authorities.
  8. I will notify Gymnastics Canada if I am facing any criminal charges, ongoing criminal investigations, convictions, or bail conditions.
  9. I will remain aware of and hereby agree to comply with all of Gymnastics Canada’s bylaws, policies, rules, and other relevant regulations, including the UCCMS, as amended from time to time.
  10. I will not attempt to cover up or conceal any conduct of an Individual that is, or may be, in breach of this Code of Ethics and Conduct Policy or any other Gymnastics Canada or Member policy.
  11. I will promote a Safe Sport environment, adhere to and attend all training in relation to this Policy and other relevant policies, ensure that the measures and procedures set out herein are followed by others, and ensure that others have received the necessary information and instructions to protect themselves from behaviour that contravenes any of the applicable policies.

4.3 Participant Rights: Participants, including Athletes of all ages, should have expectations of their sport as well as the sport having expectations of the participants. Participants, including Athletes, have the right to:

  1. participate and/or work in a safe, healthy, and inclusive environment that values the development of the ‘whole’ person;
  2. have qualified, experienced, and participant-centered leadership that attends to the well-being and developmental needs of participants;
  3. engage in a transparent and clean sport environment that has fair officiating, clear rules, and appropriate training and competition schedules.
  4. feel empowered, use their voice, and share in the leadership and decision-making of their sport experience;
  5. establish and exercise healthy boundaries within and outside the sport with other participants, families, and clubs to promote the well-being of the individuals and the organization;
  6. have appropriate opportunities for proper preparation for competitions;
  7. receive information that is important to participant well-being and be advised of all opportunities to strive for success;
  8. access education related to the sport, participation, welfare and safety. Athletes, specifically, have the right to work or study throughout active participation in gymnastics, should they wish to do so.
  9. be respected, treated with dignity, and safeguarded from abuse, Harassment, or Discrimination;
  10. report misconduct, Maltreatment or Prohibited Behaviour without fear of reprisal, retaliation or retribution;
  11. for coaches, to be fairly remunerated for their coaching services; and
  12. know, understand, protect, and advocate for their rights.

5. Codes of Conduct

In addition to the Code of Ethics outlined in Part 4 above, certain key positions within the Gymnastics Canada community have Codes of Conduct to which Individuals must adhere at all times in order to remain in good standing with Gymnastics Canada.

5.1 Athlete Code of Conduct
Gymnastics Canada is an athlete-centered organization and, as such, strives to ensure that each Athlete’s experience is one of quality, safety and enjoyment.

5.1.2 Athlete Code of Conduct
When participating in competitions, training, team activities, or traveling to or from any activity or Event assigned by Gymnastics Canada, Athletes must follow Gymnastics Canada’s Code of Ethics and standards and expectations for conduct.

In addition to abiding by the Code of Ethics, Athletes must:

  1. help foster a safe, healthy, and positive gymnastics environment;
  2. have respect for themselves and others and be courteous to coaches, judges, managers, volunteers, spectators, staff members, competitors, and others in the training and competitive environment;
  3. report physician-prescribed medication, i.e., controlled substances that may impair their ability to perform or affect the safety or well-being of others, to the appropriate integrated support team representative of Gymnastics Canada, and avoid the use of, advocating for, condoning, promoting, administration or distributing of any prescription drugs or prohibited substances or methods, including cannabis;
  4. report any health-related concerns in a timely fashion, wherein such concerns may limit the Athlete’s ability to travel, train, compete or, in the case of carded Athletes, interfere with one’s ability to fulfill requirements under the Athlete Assistance Program;
  5. ensure all communications on social media are respectful of Gymnastics Canada, the team, other teams, support staff, judges, volunteers, and others in the training and competitive environment;
  6. acknowledge and follow instructions from coaches, adults, and other persons of authority at Events and when travelling, for their own safety and protection and that of others; and
  7. report any conduct that is perceived to contravene this Code of Ethics and Conduct, or any other Gymnastics Canada Policy in accordance with the reporting procedures set out in the Complaints and Discipline Policy.

5.2. Coaches’ Code of Conduct

Coach-Athlete and coach-parent relationships are privileged ones. Coaches play a pivotal role in the personal and athletic development of the Athletes they coach and serve as key role models through which the values and goals are demonstrated, fostered, and upheld. Coaches must recognize, understand, and be sensitive to the inherent power, authority, and trust their position holds. As such, coaches owe a duty of care to all Athletes and young coaches or judges in their gymnastics environment.

Gymnastics Canada has adopted the Coaching Association of Canada’s National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Code of Ethics that describes the fundamental values of safety, responsible coaching, engaging in relations with integrity, respecting Athletes, and honouring sport. These values have been embedded into the Gymnastics Canada Code of Ethics and the Coaches’ Code of Conduct.

In addition to abiding by the Code of Ethics, coaches must:

  1. embrace the responsibility to facilitate and advocate for a safe, healthy, and inclusive environment;
  2. act in the best interests of all Individuals involved in Gymnastics Canada or Member programs and activities;
  3. establish and advocate for open and observable training and competitive environments, meetings, medical treatments, and travel with children and youth;
  4. ensure that the training or competition site is safe at all times and act quickly and appropriately in the case of emergency;
  5. ensure a safe environment by selecting activities and controls that are suitable for the age, experience, ability, and fitness level of the Athletes involved;
  6. accurately represent education, certifications, experience, competitive achievements, and eligibility necessary for the role;
  7. accept responsibility to further their education and professional expertise through institutional learning, mentorship arrangements, courses offered through sport organizations and/or published academic papers or external organizations.
  8. encourage behavioural change and foster learning through positive feedback, constructive criticism, problem-solving, and other forms of positive discipline;
  9. refrain from harmful practices such as, without limitation: hitting, name-calling, yelling, excessive training, denying attention, restricting adequate nutrition, using insults, threats or intimidation;
  10. communicate consistently and openly with all members of the community, especially Athletes and parents and legal guardians, and empower them to share in decision-making processes related to athletic development, health and well-being, commercial activities, or recognition;
  11. treat all Athletes equally and refrain from displaying favouritism, giving special privileges, sending personalized gifts, or creating opportunities to engage privately with a particular Athlete or Athlete’s family outside of the sport context;
  12. refrain from one-on-one personal communication with Minor Athletes through emails, texts, letters, or phone calls and always include parents, legal guardians, or other responsible adults in these communications;
  13. refrain from offering unauthorized or one-on-one transportation to an Athlete;
  14. respect all judges and volunteers and refrain from attempting to intimidate, embarrass, or improperly influence any individual responsible for judging or administering a competition; and
  15. report any conduct that is perceived to contravene this Code of Ethics and Conduct or any other Gymnastics Canada Policy in accordance with the reporting procedures set out in the Complaints and Discipline Policy and Procedures.

5.3 Team Personnel Code of Conduct

In addition to abiding by the Code of Ethics, team managers, Integrated Support Team members, non-coaching appointees, team delegates and officials, volunteers, and any other personnel must:

  1. embrace the responsibility to facilitate and advocate for a safe, healthy, and inclusive environment;
  2. act in the best interests of all Individuals involved in programs and activities;
  3. communicate consistently and openly with all members of the community, especially Athletes and parents and legal guardians, and empower them to share in decision-making processes related to athletic development, health, and well-being;
  4. establish and advocate for open and observable environments for training, competition, and medical assistance, treatment, and support;
  5. treat all Athletes equally and refrain from displaying favouritism, giving special privileges, sending personalized gifts, or creating opportunities to engage privately with a particular Athlete or Athlete’s family outside of the sport context;
  6. refrain from one-on-one personal communication with Minor Athletes through emails, texts, letters, or phone calls and always include parents, legal guardians, or other responsible adults in these communications;
  7. abide by all applicable laws, polices, rules, and regulations, and standards of conduct established by the applicable licensing body governing each medical support staff, and maintain membership in good standing with these licensing bodies;
  8. always respect and uphold the confidentiality of personal and/or medical information and share pertinent information with appropriate personnel only;
  9. maintain appropriate records as required by Gymnastics Canada and/or the applicable licensing body in which the individual belongs;
  10. respect judges and volunteers and refrain from attempting to intimidate, embarrass, or improperly influence any individual responsible for judging or administering a competition; and
  11. report any conduct that is perceived to contravene this Code of Ethics and Conduct or any other Gymnastics Canada Policy in accordance with the reporting procedures set out in the Complaints and Discipline Policy and Procedures.

5.4 Judges’ Code of Conduct

In addition to abiding by the Code of Ethics, Gymnastics Canada judges must:

  1. judge all Events according to the rules of Gymnastics Canada and the Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique (FIG);
  2. be unbiased;
  3. avoid judging a gymnast they are coaching or are related to;
  4. not allow anything to influence or give the appearance of affecting their judgment in rendering fair and impartial scores;
  5. act professionally, honour, and support Gymnastics Canada as an ambassador;
  6. not criticize or attempt to explain other judges’ judgments or decisions to coaches, teams, or affiliates;
  7. avoid judging at meets where they hold a bias for or against a particular team or individual;
  8. refrain from officiating the level at which they may compete;
  9. take advantage of professional development and educational opportunities to ensure up to date awareness and understanding of the changes and evolution of the sport;
  10. respect all volunteers and refrain from attempting to intimidate or embarrass any Individual responsible for administering a competition; and
  11. report any conduct that is perceived to contravene this Code of Ethics and Conduct or any other Gymnastics Canada policy in accordance with the reporting procedures set out in the Complaints and Discipline Policy and Procedures.

5.5 Gymnastics Canada Board of Directors and Committee Members’ Code of Conduct In addition to abiding by the Code of Ethics, a director and/or committee member must:

  1. represent the best interests of the organization as a whole, while respecting the needs and priorities of Members, and focus efforts on advancing and strengthening the values, mission, and current and future direction of the organization;
  2. refrain from serving on the Board for their own personal advantage or for the individual advantage of their family, friends, or supporters;
  3. abide by the Gymnastics Canada policies on confidentiality and conflict of interest;
  4. approach all board and committee issues with an open mind, honesty, critical thought, and with the intent to make decisions that are strictly in the organization’s best interests;
  5. respect and uphold the trust of those who elected or appointed them to the board or committee;
  6. exercise authority as a board or committee member only when acting in a meeting with the full board or committee or as delegated by the Chair; and
  7. report any conduct that is perceived to contravene this Code of Ethics and Conduct or any other Gymnastics Canada Policy in accordance with the reporting procedures set out in the Complaints and Discipline Policy and Procedures.

5.6 Member Code of Conduct
In addition to abiding by the Code of Ethics, the Member must:

  1. manage the association and its programs with the best interests of its Athletes, coaches, staff, volunteers, and its member clubs in mind;
  2. govern the association with integrity, transparency, and strong competency in operations;
  3. emphasize fair play, stage appropriate skill development, and provide a safe, healthy, and inclusive sport environment in all of the association’s programs and activities;
  4. ensure that the sport is conducted in an environment that is free of cannabis, illegal substances, or alcohol abuse;
  5. encourage professional development for coaches, coach developers, instructors, and judges;
  6. ensure that association members are aware of the expectations of conduct as Registered Participants of Gymnastics Canada; and
  7. report any conduct that is perceived to contravene this Code of Ethics and Conduct or any other Gymnastics Canada Policy in accordance with the reporting procedures set out in the Complaints and Discipline Policy and Procedures.

5.7 Anti-Doping2
All of the Individuals subject to this Code of Ethics and Conduct pursuant to Section 3 above shall:

  1. Abstain from the non-medical use of medications or drugs or the use of Prohibited Substances or Prohibited Methods as listed on the version of the World Anti-Doping Agency’s Prohibited List currently in force. More specifically, Gymnastics Canada and its Member Associations adopt and adhere to the Canadian Anti-Doping Program. Gymnastics Canada and its Member Associations will respect any sanction imposed on an Individual as a result of a breach of the Canadian Anti-Doping Program or any other applicable anti-doping rules;
  2. Refrain from associating with any person for the purpose of coaching, training, competition, instruction, administration, management, athletic development, or supervision, who has been found to have committed an anti-doping rule violation and is serving a period of ineligibility imposed pursuant to the Canadian Anti-Doping Program or any other applicable anti-doping rules;
  3. Cooperate with any Anti-Doping Organization that is conducting an investigation into any anti-doping rule violation(s); and,
  4. Refrain from any offensive conduct toward a Doping Control official or other individual involved in Doping Control, whether or not such conduct constitutes Tampering as defined in the Canadian Anti-Doping Program

2. All Athlete Support Personnel or other Persons who are Using a Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method without a valid and acceptable justification shall refrain from providing support to Athletes that fall under Gymnastics Canada or a Member Association’s jurisdiction.

6. Acknowledgments

Gymnastics Canada wishes to acknowledge the broad influence of resource documents and policies from several child and youth serving organizations including, Canadian Centre for Child Protection and Skate Canada, in the creation of this Code of Ethics and Conduct Policy.

  1. Bullying is any direct, overt or indirect physical, verbal, or psychological attack or intimidation that may cause fear, distress, or potential harm to others. Such behaviour may include, without limitation, pushing, hitting, threatening, mocking, or relational attacks such as gossip, spreading rumours, threatening to end friendship as a way to control others’ behaviour, and social exclusion. In order to constitute a violation of this Code of Ethics and Conduct Policy, the bullying does not need to be repetitive in nature – a single instance of high intensity bullying may be sufficient.
    Hazing is an abusive, often humiliating form of initiation expected of someone joining a group that degrades, or intentionally and recklessly endangers the mental and physical health of the person, regardless of the person’s willingness to participate in the activity. ↩︎
  2. Any capitalized terms used in this Anti-Doping section shall, unless the context requires otherwise, have the meanings ascribed to them in the Definitions section of the Canadian Anti-Doping Program.  ↩︎

Date of Approval: 2024-06-04

*PDF versions of Gymnastics Canada’s policies are no longer considered valid; the most up-to-date policies are available on this website.