1. Organizational Commitment
Gymnastics Canada is committed to being a leader in Canada and abroad in providing a safe, healthy, and inclusive gymnastics environment for all Individuals. Participants in Gymnastics Canada programs and activities, including athletes, coaches, judges, sport administrators, parents/guardians, volunteers, and others should be able to engage in a positive sport environment free of abuse, Prohibited Behaviour and Maltreatment (as those terms are defined in the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment (“UCCMS”) as amended from time to time), and potential harm. As a primarily youth serving organization, Gymnastics Canada has a special responsibility to develop standards and mechanisms to help safeguard the children and youth in its programs and activities; however, it is imperative to safeguard and support the welfare of all participants in order to achieve an optimal Safe Sport environment.
Facilitating a Safe Sport environment is the collective responsibility of all individuals involved in the gymnastics community. Gymnastics Canada will work collaboratively with international, national, provincial and territorial federations and external organizations to build, advance, and administer Safe Sport policies, education, and advocacy initiatives. Further, Gymnastics Canada will work with our provincial and territorial members to build Safe Sport policy and delivery alignment.
2. Safe Sport Principles
Creating and fostering a Safe Sport environment and culture is paramount in the administration and delivery of all gymnastics programs in Canada and throughout international participation by Gymnastics Canada and its members. All Individuals will:
- Prioritize the current and future well-being of all Individuals above all else.
- Act in the best interests of all Individuals involved in our programs and activities.
- Respect, value, and champion the rights of all Individuals in the gymnastics community at all times.
- Engage in behaviours and practices that are ethical, developmentally-appropriate, and support the physical, psychological, social, and emotional welfare of Individuals.
- Actively encourage meaningful inclusion of Individuals irrespective of their age, race, colour, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, language, religion, national or social origin, property, birth, physical or developmental abilities, athletic ability, or other status.*
- Strive to create joyful, positive, and growth-enhancing sport experiences.
- Advocate for safe sport environments on local, national, and international stages.
*If there are any groups omitted from this list, please advise Gymnastics Canada and the list will be amended, if appropriate.
We will cultivate, uphold, live, and measure these Safe Sport principles through:
- Establishment, oversight, and continuous updating of policies, procedures, and best practice guidelines that are robust, clear, and accessible.
- Maintaining Gymnastics Canada’s status as a signatory with the Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner;
- Consistent enforcement of the ensuing policies, procedures, and best practice guidelines through all levels of the gymnastics community in Canada.
- Implementation of best practice safeguards, support for prompt identification and mandatory reporting of misconduct, as well as confidential, procedurally fair, and timely processes for investigating and resolving allegations of misconduct.
- Provision of educational resources, tools, and initiatives that serve to develop, support, and enhance the knowledge and positive practices of all members of the gymnastics community.
- Active promotion of our Safe Sport commitment throughout all Gymnastics Canada programs, interactions, activities, and Events.
- Consistent engagement and open communication in both official languages with all members of the Gymnastics Canada community.
- Collaboration with international federations, national sport and multi-sport organizations, as well as public partners to support and advance Safe Sport programs.
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of Gymnastics Canada’s Safe Sport Framework and corresponding policies, education, and advocacy initiatives on a regular basis.
3. Scope of Policy
- Gymnastics Canada’s National Safe Sport Policy applies to all Individuals, UCCMS Participants and Members. It also applies to affiliate organizations, international guests, and members of visiting delegations where not otherwise included within the aforementioned terms.
4. Linked Policies and Regulations
Gymnastics Canada’s National Safe Sport Policy is an overarching organizational policy that should be read in conjunction with the following policies, which shall all be considered integral parts of this National Safe Sport Policy:
- Code of Ethics and Conduct
- Complaints and Discipline Policy
- Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport
- Screening Policy
- Travel Policy
- Concussion Policy
- Inclusion Policy
5. Responsibilities
The Board of Directors of Gymnastics Canada has the responsibility to individually and collectively:
- Embrace Gymnastics Canada’s organizational commitment to Safe Sport and corresponding principles outlined in the National Safe Sport Policy.
- Consider the Safe Sport principles in the development, approval, and application of Gymnastics Canada’s policies and procedures.
- Establish and support a Safe Sport Working Group with representation from the Board of Directors, Gymnastics Canada, provincial and territorial organizations, athletes, coaches, officials, and external experts, as appropriate.
- In conjunction with the Chief Executive Officer, ensure appropriate resources are directed to the Safe Sport program.
- In conjunction with the Chief Executive Officer, Safe Sport Committee, and Gymnastics Canada’s programming partners, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the Safe Sport Framework in all gymnastics programs, activities, and services, and adjust delivery as necessary to meet goals and objectives.