Travel Policy

1. Organizational Commitment

Gymnastics Canada is committed to providing all participants with a safe, healthy, and inclusive sport environment that is free from all forms of abuse, harassment, Prohibited Behaviour and Maltreatment (as those terms are defined in the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment (“UCCMS”) as amended from time to time) and other potential harm. Creating and fostering this environment and culture is paramount to the administration and delivery of all gymnastics programs in Canada. Establishing, promoting, and maintaining this positive environment is the collective responsibility of each individual member of the gymnastics community. 

The Gymnastics Canada (GymCan) Travel Policy will address the overarching purpose of local, national, and international travel for GymCan activities, as well as outline rules related to specific aspects of travel, including transportation and accommodations. The Travel Policy intends to reduce the vulnerabilities of individuals travelling with Canadian Delegation or their respective Clubs to GymCan events or activities and minimize the potential for misconduct to occur.

This policy should be read in conjunction with the following GymCan documents:

  • National Team Handbook 
  • Team Canada Agreement 
  • National Team Travel Responsibilities Manual
  • GymCan Travel Booking Procedures
  • National Safe Sport Policy
  • Code of Ethics and Conduct
  • Complaints and Discipline Policy
  • Rule of Two Guidelines for Gymnastics Canada

Adherence to this policy is a requirement for the national programs that fall within the jurisdiction of GymCan. Otherwise, this policy serves as a recommended framework for Provinces and Clubs. 

2. Scope of Policy

a.  The GymCan Travel Policy applies to all Individuals and UCCMS Participants. It also applies to any designated volunteers or chaperones, and other team personnel participating in or travelling for the purpose of GymCan competitions, training camps, tryouts, programs, and activities or as a member of the Canadian Delegation abroad who are not otherwise considered an Individual or a UCCMS Participant.

This policy serves as a recommended framework for all individuals or groups who do not fall within the categories listed above. Please consult your Club or Province for further information related to travel requirements. 

3. General Purpose of Travel

Local, national, and international travel is an essential component of GymCan’s training, performance and competitive environment. Travel provides an opportunity for participants to experience professional and personal growth. Specifically, when travelling for a GymCan training camp, Event, or as part of a Canadian Delegation abroad, the intention of travel is for participants to:  

  • Gain exposure to national and world class training, performance and competitive environments;
  • Positively represent Canada and achieve international success;
  • Build cohesion with fellow team members; 
  • Engage with athletes/participants, coaches, judges, and other team personnel from around the world; 
  • Develop personal skills, such as confidence, cultural awareness, time management, organization, self-reliance, teamwork, adaptability, work ethic, and empathy; and,
  • Inspire others in the pursuit of excellence.

4. Defining “Safe” Travel

GymCan considers the safety and well-being of athletes/participants, coaches, judges, and other team personnel as paramount. “Safe” travel refers to an environment where, so far as reasonably practical, all sensible steps are engaged to ensure adequate understanding of the nature and extent of possible risks related to travel and all reasonable measures to reduce or manage these risks have been implemented. 

4.1 Pre-travel Assessment

While there are many benefits to travel, the experience may also enhance an individual’s vulnerability as participants are often away from their support networks and in an environment that is less routine, structured, and familiar (e.g., culture, food, time zone, language, location). Prior to accepting a travel assignment, and in collaboration with GymCan personnel, it is important to: 

  1. Assess the developmental readiness (e.g., physical, psychological, social, emotional) of the Athletes/Individuals to ensure travel is appropriate and the experience is positive;
  2. Research the location of the Event or activity, identify and consider the potential risks associated with travel to that destination, including but not limited to climate, weather, health, safety and security risks, and minimize reasonable risks where possible; and, 
  3. Ensure all Individuals, especially young athletes/participants, understand the expectations of travel and are adequately prepared. 

Please note: Criteria i. and iii. of the pre-travel assessment should be managed primarily at the Club- level, with input from relevant GymCan personnel (i.e., Program Manager, National Team Director). Conversely, criteria ii. should be managed primarily by GymCan, with input from members of the Canadian Delegation travelling for the assignment. 

4.2 Preparation for Travel

Upon acceptance of a travel assignment, and in collaboration with GymCan personnel, it is important to complete the following tasks to prepare for travel:

  1. Communicate pertinent information to your group, including but not limited to; contact details for management staff, facility, transportation, and accommodations information, provisional schedule of Event, travel requirements (e.g., entry/exit requirements), insurance, Event directives, uniform requirements, and information relevant in case of emergency (e.g., Embassy of Canada contact);
  2. Ensure that every delegation member has been subject to screening in accordance with GymCan’s Screening Policy and that all of their screening requirements are up to date; 
  3. Ensure the Management Team is aware of special arrangements necessary for travel, including but not limited to, allergies and medical needs;
  4. Ensure an appropriate number of screened adults are available and designated to attend the upcoming Event or activity to serve in a supervisory role when travelling with Minor Athletes/participants and ensure all necessary support is provided for the safety, well-being, and success of athletes/participants; 
  5. Determine supervision requirements by assessing of the needs of the group, experience and skill set of the adults providing supervision, as well as the risks associated with travel for the Event or activity (e.g., location, duration, age of participants, number of participants)*;
  6. When travelling with Minor participants, ensure there is always a minimum of one screened individual in a supervisory role that is of the same gender or gender identity of the Minor Athlete(s)/participant(s) attending the competition/activity/Event. All teams shall travel with at least two screened Individuals; 
  7. Review the Canadian Centre for Child Protection Travel Guidelines and Resource Supplement to Help Protect Children in Sport for important gender and inclusivity considerations that aim to promote physical and emotional well-being when travelling, including, considerations for accommodations, facilities, and safety planning; 
  8. Circulate and review GymCan’s Safe Sport Policies to ensure delegation members are aware of and agree to adhere to expected conduct for the duration of travel assignment. Delegation members will not be permitted to travel until they provide written agreement that they will respect and abide by all GymCan Safe Sport Policies;
  9. Complete all risk management requirements stipulated by GymCan, including safe sport training (e.g., Respect in Sport, Coaching Association of Canada Safe Sport Module); and, 
  10. Develop an emergency or contingency plan in the event of illness, injury, or unforeseen circumstances, including, identification of roles for each member of the management team in the event of an emergency (e.g., accompaniment for medical assistance, supervision of remaining Minor Athletes, dealing with authorities, embassy, or Event personnel, documentation of event, contact with parents/guardians, or liaison with GymCan).

All adults responsible for monitoring the health, well-being, and security of Athletes during overnight travel for GymCan Events or activities must fulfill all appropriate risk management requirements outlined by GymCan.

Please note: Prior to travelling for a Gymnastics Canada assignment, a pre-travel meeting will be led by one or more GymCan personnel to review and discuss the pre-travel assessment, preparation criteria, and outline other important logistics with the team. 

If you are engaging in non-Gymnastics Canada related travel (e.g., Club or provincial level travel), we recommend and encourage fulfillment of these criteria and review and discussion in a Club or provincial-led meeting prior to departure. 

*Supervisory ratios must be sufficient to ensure that if an accident, medical, or other emergency occurs, there is a minimum of one screened adult in a supervisory role who can manage the unforeseen circumstances and a minimum of one screened adult in a supervisory role who can remain with the group. When travelling with large groups, it is recommended there is a minimum of 2 supervising adults for every 10 Minor Athletes/participants.

5. Accommodations

When travelling for gymnastics, teams are often required to stay overnight in the location of the training camp, competition, or activity. When organizing accommodations, it is critical to implement the following criteria:

  1. Athletes/participants must have their own accommodations (e.g., hotel room) for the duration of travel, or share a room with another Athlete/participant of the appropriate age and gender/gender identity;
  2. When pairing/grouping individuals together (i.e., Athletes with other Athletes, team personnel with other team personnel) for shared accommodations, ensure adults (i.e., 18 and above) are paired with other adults of the same gender, and youth (i.e., U18) are paired with other youth of the same gender/gender identity;
  3. When pairing/grouping individuals together for shared accommodations, ensure an appropriate number of individuals are assigned to each room (e.g., in the case of hotel accommodations, two individuals per room to a maximum of four);
  4. Athletes/participants must be given the opportunity to privately and confidentially request exceptions to accommodations assignments before they are booked or under extenuating circumstances;
  5. Coaches, judges, integrated support team members, GymCan staff members, chaperones, other travelling volunteers or other team personnel must not share accommodations with an Athlete or group of Athletes at any time*;
  6. All efforts must be made to ensure Athletes/participants are not sharing bathroom facilities with coaches, chaperones, staff, other team personnel, etc.;
  7. Ensure there are an appropriate number of screened adults in a supervisory role (e.g., head of delegation, team managers, coaches) of each gender to adequately monitor/support Minor Athletes; and,
  8. A request should be made during booking to have the team located together on the same floor of the accommodation, if possible.

This policy must also be applied in other types of accommodation, including but not limited to, dormitories, classrooms, and homestays. 

Gymnastics Canada recognizes that there may be circumstances related to travel that make it difficult to implement the requirements stated above. In such circumstances, alternative arrangements may be made that derogate from the requirements stated above but only where a plan to ensure the safety of all participants is established prior to any travel and where it is approved by the parents or legal guardians of any participants who are Minors. 

While Gymnastics Canada does not authorize or use homestays, such as AirBnB, for Canadian Delegation accommodations, we recognize that provincially and locally this may be the only feasible option for travel. If participants at the provincial or local level opt to book accommodations through homestays, Gymnastics Canada recommends the following criteria are implemented in addition to the criteria listed above:

  • All personnel and Athletes must be comfortable with a homestay accommodation and provide written consent to this arrangement to their Club and/or province. For Minor Athletes, the Minor Athlete’s parent/legal guardian must provide written consent for the Athlete to stay in such accommodations;
  • All bedrooms must have a door and a lock; 
  • There must be a minimum of two screened adults present at the homestay at all times when Athletes are also present;
  • Ensure there are separate suitable bathroom facilities for individuals based on gender/gender identity and age (i.e., adults and children must not share bathroom facilities, nor males and females);
  • A request should be made in booking for homestays with multiple floors to accommodate varying ages and genders; 
  • All policies that apply at the competitive venue or other accommodations (e.g., hotel) apply at homestays, including without limitation, the Rule of Two, no in-room or closed door meetings, and adherence to conduct policies; 
  • To reduce potential vulnerabilities, under no circumstances may an Athlete and a person in a position of power, such as a coach, integrated support team member, or another unrelated individual travelling as team personnel exclusively share a homestay. This type of accommodation should only be considered for use with a group; and 
  • Please refer to your provincial or territorial organization’s policies, procedures, or recommended for more specific details regarding homestays. 

Please note: Inclusion and safety of all individuals are taken seriously. We aim to ensure that people are roomed with those with whom they feel comfortable and safe, when possible. We welcome anyone to provide any details, specifications, requests, as well as suggestions about whom they feel most comfortable. This is particularly important if they do not identify as the same gender as those with whom it is safe for them to share space.

*An exception may be made for Athletes whose parent or legal guardian fulfills one of these support team roles. The parent/guardian and related Athlete may stay together in a separate room without other Athletes or support team members.

5.1 On-site Meetings and Activities

Under no circumstances should coaches, judges, integrated support team members, responsible adults or other team personnel engage in closed door meetings with Athletes in accommodations, including but not limited to, team bonding activities, training or competition debriefs, scheduling, or preparation for next day. At all times, team activities or meetings should be held in open and observable environments (e.g., hotel lobby, common area, competition venue) in an effort to foster safety, enhance protection, and help reduce vulnerability of both the Athlete and coach, integrated support team members, or other team personnel.

6. Transportation 

6.1 Local Everyday Transportation 

In general, parents, guardians, and Athletes are responsible for making arrangements related to local everyday travel (i.e., within their own city and province). In the past, it was common practice for well-meaning team personnel or Club administrators to assist in the transportation of Athletes to help parents or guardians accommodate an often busy gymnastics schedule. However, one-to-one transportation has been identified as an area of increased vulnerability for all participants. Therefore, GymCan prohibits unscreened adults, including coaches, integrated support team members, and other relevant team personnel from transporting or being expected to transport Athletes to gymnastics or non-gymnastics related activities, including but not limited to, transportation to and/or from training, competitive Events, school, or personal appointments. In circumstances where an unrelated adult must transport an Athlete, the Rule of Two must be followed at all times. For more information, please consult Rule of Two Guidelines for Gymnastics Canada

In addition, if Clubs assume responsibility for organizing transportation (e.g., to local competitions), it is good practice to ensure that those who are responsible for transporting a group of Athletes have appropriate credentials, including but not limited to, a valid driver’s license, insurance, risk management requirements, and consent from parents or guardians. 

6.2 Transportation for GymCan Events or Activities

During GymCan Events or activities, Athletes, coaches, and other team personnel are sometimes required to travel locally to and from the airport, the competitive venue, accommodation, meals, meetings, or other activities. This local transportation may occur within or outside of Canada. In all circumstances, GymCan does not authorize one-to-one local transportation between an unscreened adult and an Athlete. When applicable, it is recommended that participants use transportation coordinated through the local organizing committees as their first option for local travel. Further, when one-to-one transportation is the only possible option, participants are expected to adhere to the Rule of Two at all times. 

Please note: the Rule of Two would be considered upheld in circumstances where an Athlete and a coach, judge, integrated support team member, or other team personnel are in an open and observable public space (e.g., airports, planes, buses, Ubers) or sharing transportation with other individuals attending the Event or activity (e.g., carpooling). 


GymCan wishes to acknowledge the broad influence of resource documents and policies from several child and youth serving organizations including, Canadian Centre for Child Protection, British Gymnastics and British Triathlon Federation, in the creation of this travel policy.

Date of Approval: 2022-12-04

*PDF versions of Gymnastics Canada’s policies are no longer considered valid; the most up-to-date policies are available on this website.