Official Language Policy

1. Introduction

Gymnastics Canada (GymCan) is committed to complying with the spirit and intent of Part IV of the Official Languages Act of Canada when offering or providing services to both its external and internal constituents.

2. Objectives

The Official Languages Policy of GymCan has two primary objectives:

  1. To state GymCan’s commitment to the promotion and use of the two official languages of Canada in its activities; and
  2. To guide GymCan’s decision-making process by providing clear direction in both official languages in our communications and services.

These communications and services may be for members of the English-speaking and French-Speaking communities in Canada or for GymCan’s staff, membership, associates, and partners. 

3. Applications

This policy applies to GymCan as a whole and its activities. 

4. Bilingual Clause  

In the event of any discrepancy between language versions, the English document shall take precedence and serve as the authoritative reference.

5. Implementation of Official Language Policy

GymCan recognizes English and French as its official languages and is committed to ensuring that any person who wishes to communicate with GymCan can do so in either official language.

5.1 Advertising

Any advertising initiated by GymCan (print, video, electronic/internet) is to be produced in the language appropriate for the type of media.

5.2 Contracts

Contracts are to be prepared in the preferred language of the contracted person. Examples of such contracts are Independent Contractors, Athlete and Coach Consent Agreements, Sponsor Agreements, Host Contracts, Photographers, Code of Conduct Agreement, Employee Agreement. 

5.3 External Activities

The following documents when published, will be available, simultaneously, in both official languages:

  • All media releases
  • Marketing campaigns
  • Newsletters  
  • Crisis communication
  • Website
  • Safe Sport communication

5.4 Internal Activities

The following documents when published, will be available, simultaneously, in both official languages:

  • All athlete, coach, and member forms
  • Carding Process
  • Event Directives
  • AGM minutes
  • Selection Process
  • Annual Reports 

5.4.1. While the internal functioning of GymCan will, for purposes of practicality and economy, be in English, any member requesting materials, information, or explanations in French, will receive such either in written or oral format.

5.4.2. During the Annual General meeting and other meetings, members will have the opportunity to use the language of their choice to communicate. GymCan shall provide simultaneous translation (French & English) at its Annual General meeting if a request is received from an attendee. 

5.4.3. GymCan will recruit staff, board members and volunteers, to ensure that it can respond to the needs of its members in both official languages.

5.4.4. For further clarification regarding the documentation to be generated in both official languages, please consult GymCan’s Translation Matrix. 

6. Complaint Process

GymCan is committed to responding to any complaint on the application of its “Official Languages” policy either complaint directly from its members, from its employees, or from the public. These matters can be directed to the Manager, Communications at 

7. Official languages – Hosting Requirements

7.1 National Events (Canadian Championships & Elite Canada) 

In respect to National events, GymCan will ensure that the Organizing Committee has team host/hostess at the event that are able to communicate in both English and French. 

Materials, events, functions, and other communications at National events will be subject to the guidelines contained in the GymCan Event Hosting Manual. 

7.2 The following is the minimum standard for each host resource and/or activity.

  • Includes all National events information and details provided to institutions and participating teams; and 
  • All Hosts of National events are required to translate event directives, 

7.2.2 Event Signage

  • To be completely bilingual including:
    • Event title; to ensure consistency in both English and French, GymCan will establish specific titles for National events;
    • Logo – will be provided by GymCan;
    • Gymnastics discipline, gender and date must be presented in both English and French;
    • All location and time information;

7.2.2 Event Program & Event Directives

  • To be completely bilingual including:
    • All welcome messages;
    • Schedule and related text

7.2.3 Opening/Closing Ceremonies/Award Ceremony 

  • Welcome and introductions 
  • National Anthem 
  • Competition Protocol 
  • Ancillary Protocol 
  • Oaths 
  • Medal Presentations 
  • Award Titles (i.e., Athlete and coach of the year, etc.) 
  • Awards scripts should be presented in both English and French. 
  • Announcers – Should announce athletes in their preferred language; and 
  • All announcements be bilingual, at the exception of field of play athlete introductions and/or time sensitive announcements. 

7.2.4 Banquets

  • Welcome and introductions 
  • Invitations and Banquet Program 
  • Signage 

7.2.5 Accreditations

  • Information must be in both official languages

Date of Approval:

*PDF versions of Gymnastics Canada’s policies are no longer considered valid; the most up-to-date policies are available on this website.